Monday, June 17, 2013

Jack's 4th Birthday

Jack has always been hyper focused on one movie or show at a time.  He obsesses over it, wants all the toys that go with it, and then one day, he moves on to something else.

He started with Toy Story, then Monsters Inc., then it was Spider Man.  And then it was Star Wars. 

Starting in April, Jack started talking about his birthday and how he was going to have a Star Wars party.  He would curl up with me on the couch and we would look on Pinterest for what he wanted at his party.   He loved doing this. 

I started prepping decorations and tried to figure out what would make his day special. 

The day before Jack’s birthday he said, “One more sleep and I’ll be 4.”  He then started jumping around in circles chanting, “ I’m gonna be 4!  It’s my birthday!  Wee, wee, wee!”  To say he was excited was an understatement.

He woke up bright and early on his birthday and stumbled into the living room.  Phil and I had gotten new tires and training wheels and fixed up Ryan’s old bike for Jack.  His eyes were bleary as he stared at it.  When I got my camera out to take pictures, he put his hand with four fingers up, which I loved. 

After he had woken up, we took our first big boy bike ride ever.  It took him a while to get the hang of the pedals.  He kept putting his foot backwards and putting on the brake.  When we got to the end of the street to our cul de sac, he has finally gotten it and I started to cheer.  Another couple was leaving their house for a bike ride and heard me cheering and they joined in.  Jack, being like his daddy, loved the applause, which spurred him on to keep pedaling and keep trying.  

Next, we packed up all the goodies and headed to Grandma Debbie's to get ready for the party.  We had light saber pretzels...  

Noodle light sabers and costumes...

Death star watermelon...

and light saber cupcakes.  

Jack went on a gift opening spree.  Paper flew everywhere.  

He got all things Star Wars and couldn't have been more happy.  

Last, we had cupcakes with four "light saber" candles.  

Happy Birthday Jack!  We love you and have enjoyed these four years with you.  May we have many more.  

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